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Children Bedroom

The Future of Fatherhood

Let's cut to the chase here folks... FATHERHOOD IS HARD WORK! But it doesn't have to be...

By following these 3 simple steps, you can contribute to the future of fatherhood in a way that all people on the PLANET will come to appreciate.

1. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST! - I know, this seems like a simple step, yet it goes overlooked by soooo many men... Too many times are we the butt of senseless "dad" or "Man" jokes that don't allow for us to truly view ourselves as what we are: Creators of the Future. Through parenting, we LITERALLY shape the world of tomorrow. This is a job that MUST be taken seriously. And to Shape the Future, one must start with Shaping themselves.

Think about it, how can you expect to create a loving future with a respectful child who loves themselves and others if you don't first love yourself? You can't, it's virtually impossible. A Later post will explore more ways to do this, for now, just look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself. It will seem silly at first, and it will make a difference. Trust.

2. LOVE YOUR CHILD UNCONDITIONALLY! - Yes, they will make you mad, cause you to lose sleep, break things, talk back, cost you money, make you sacrifice time with friends, wake you up early, and a host of other things. And guess what??? YOU SIGNED UP FOR IT!

That being said, just as you love yourself at all stages of your life, you love your child the same way, point blank and period.

3. LOVE YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER FIERCELY! - You chose that partner to bring life into this world, choose to love them just as you love yourself and your child... First, Last, and Forever! (More on this to come)

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