November 11th, 2021
Holidays are stressful enough but add in a new bundle of joy and your stress levels can go through the roof. Its hard to find the right balance between preparing for holidays and being a parent. Here are some tips and tricks that can hopefully help you navigate the holidays this season. Before you read any further, please take a deep breath and just remind yourself that this is the time of year to focus on family.
Now, lets get to the good stuff!
Stay on the Same Page
Sit down with your partner and other adults that make up your support system and make sure everyone is on the same page. For things to run smoothly during the holidays you do not want to be second guessing each other, if your child is on a schedule make sure everyone knows that schedule.
DO NOT skip Nap Time
If your child takes his/her nap every day at 2 p.m., make sure that on a holiday they still take their nap at 2 p.m. and who knows, you may need that nap too! You do not want to skip on nap time and have a cranky baby early in the evening, everyone will understand that your child needs their nap. If anyone tries to make you feel bad about making your child stick with their nap time just remember that you are the parent, you know what is best for your kids.
Things may NOT Go as Planned
No matter how much planning and detailed scheduling you do, things will not stay to a perfect schedule. This took me a long time to learn, children just have their own plans sometimes. You do not want to waste all day fighting them to stay on your schedule, try to stay flexible to keep yourself from stressing.
Let Someone Else Host
You have a new baby, focus on creating memories and traditions with your family. Don’t spend the days stressing about food, let someone else host this year; suggest doing potluck style so you are only preparing one dish or dessert. Don’t forget to take Tupperware for leftovers, just because someone else is cooking does not mean you still can’t take food home to eat on for a few days.
Photograph the Moment
Now this can be hard because you don’t want to spend the whole time on your phone taking pictures, but make sure to get some pictures to capture the moments. ALSO make sure to talk with someone that is going to be there that you trust to get good photos of you too. I love my husband, but I will choose my sister over him every time to capture photos of me with my son. You do not want to look back in several years and realize you have no pictures of yourself enjoying the holidays with your family.
Take extra Outfits
I know that you already have five outfits picked out to take for your children for when an accident happens, but what about yourself? Do not just pack extra outfits for the kids, pack yourself a back up shirt, or two, for when those accidents happen on you.
Your family is now a little bigger and we want you to enjoy every moment of this holiday season so be prepared for hiccups but remember that your child will not remember if the tree is not perfect or if the gifts have no bows. Just take this time to start figuring what works best for you and your child.
-Megan Winkler